THIS Guy Noticed Her Washed Up On The Rocky Hill On The Verge Of Death. What He Does Next Is Unbelievable!

Geoff George was on a mission and time was of the essence. Looking down a steep rocky cliff he could see an animal laying at the bottom that appeared to be lifeless. It was a sick baby seal that had seemingly been abandoned and if he didn’t rescue it soon, the pup would die.
George worked for the Guernsey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA) located in the UK’s Channel Islands. A good Samaritan had first spotted the seal pup alone on the beach and alerted the GSPCA of the dire situation.

After he arrived on the scene, George peered down and could see that it was a young grey seal pup. The rescue organization had taken in and cared for baby seals before, and thankfully for the last two years none had needed their help, but this one was in bad shape. Even from where he stood atop the cliff it looked very thin and weak and had clearly been either abandoned or separated from its mother.

Working carefully and methodically, George made his way down the steep rocky cliff towards the remote beach. When he finally reached the seal pup, he quickly assessed its condition and could tell that it was extremely malnourished. He carefully wrapped it up in tarp, tying it into a makeshift stretcher, before slinging it over his shoulder and making his way back up the cliff.

He brought the tiny seal to the GSPCA Wildlife Unit where a team of vets checked it over thoroughly. They estimated that the female pup was only one week old, and she was in such terrible shape that they were unsure she’d even make it through the night. A pup her age should have weighed around 90 pounds, but she was only about 30 pounds, was severely dehydrated, and weak. Even so, they named her Bonnie and did their best to help her out.

Bonnie ended up surviving the critical first 36 hours at the wildlife center but her road to recovery would be long and was just beginning. She required constant, round the clock care at first, with food and fluids being administered by tubes before she built up her strength and could eat and drink on her own. After months in rehab, Bonnie was gaining weight and making progress. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of George and the entire team behind her, she had finally tripled her weight. That meant she could be released back into the wild where she belonged.

When they brought Bonnie to the oceanside and opened up her carrier she wasted no time and hopped right out. She made her way to the water and swam around freely in the open ocean, looking as happy as could be, she was finally home.

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