Little Girl Delivers Gift To “Mom In Heaven” Which Caused Post Office To Do Something No One Expected

All kids have an innocence inside them that creates innocence, love, joy, peace, happiness and for 4-year-old Bella Graham, this was the exact case. The little girl stays with her grandmother Laura Fisher, but two years ago her whole life was turned upside down when her mom died unexpectedly from an illness.

Since that tragic moment, her grandmother stepped in as her sole caretaker preserving the memories of her daughter and instilling some of them in her granddaughters life. But Bella still thinks of her mother often so when her mom’s birthday approached she expressed concerns to her grandma about sending her mom a birthday cake to heaven. Laura knew something needed to be done to make Bella happy so she took matters into her own hands.

The young grandma contacted her local postal office expressing her concerns and the situation with Bella. Bella had grown increasingly stressed thinking her mom wouldn’t get a cake for her birthday so the post office said they’d help anyway they could. Grandma knew they would help but never foresaw them taking the measures that they did for her granddaughter. So grandma, a baker, told Bella of their new plan. They would bake her mom a cake and send it to heaven through the mail. Together they baked a beautiful 2-tier cake.

Once the cake was made grandma and granddaughter boxed it up and took a trip to the post office. As they arrived the post office immediately knew who they were, since grandma had given them a heads up about their special visit earlier in the week. The workers opened a ‘special line’ that was specifically for special deliveries to heaven and stamped the cake very carefully, guaranteeing that it would make it to mom in time for her birthday. Bella was ecstatic. Now her mom would have a birthday cake and be able to celebrate her special day. Bella got her wish and we’re sure her mom is smiling down on her family members on her special day as well. Bella is beyond lucky to have such a great grandma keeping her connection with her mom alive. Watch the beautiful story for yourself in the video below.

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