Tampa private school teacher, 42, busted having sex with student

Jamie Melton, Carrollwood Day School teacher arrested having sexual relations with student at $25K a year private Tampa, Florida school. 

An unblemished teaching record… until now. A 42-year-old female teacher at a renowned Florida private school has been arrested for having sex with a student, according to police and administrators.

Jamie Melton, a high school English instructor at the $25,000-a-year Carrollwood Day School in Tampa, is facing criminal charges after allegedly having ‘sexual relations’ with the student this month.

The educator was charged with sexual battery a day after local authorities issued a warrant for her arrest, FOX13 reported

‘This woman was a trusted member of this community who was responsible for the education and well-being of students,’ said Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister in a statement. ‘Instead she violated that trust. As a parent I am disgusted and hope she faces full consequences for her actions.’

Deputies said they believe it was an isolated incident but are investigating if Milton had inappropriate contact with any other students at the K-12 school.

Jamie Melton Carrollwood Day School teacher arrested
Jamie Melton Carrollwood Day School teacher at Tampa, Florida private school arrested having sex with student.

Abuse of position of trust, power & authority

Chronister did not release an age or sex for the victim in the case and more details are expected with the release of court papers during the course of the week. 

In a letter to parents, the school’s principal, Sara Rubenstein, said Melton was charged with relations with a student over 12 and under 18.

‘Ms. Melton has had an unblemished teaching record and we have not had any concerns about her conduct prior,’ the principal wrote. ‘Ms. Melton has been suspended from her position immediately.’

Not immediately clear is what led to the educator abusing her position of trust, authority and power to subjugate her presumed teen male student victim.

Investigators asks that anyone with additional information call the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office at (813)247-8200.

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