Ex Christian Florida teacher arrested twerking on student at prom

Julie Hoover, Perry, Florida teacher at Point of Grace Christian School arrested for twerking on student at prom. Previously arrested earlier in summer for sexting with student.
‘I let the devil in…’ A former teacher at a Christian high school in Florida previously arrested for sexting with a student was arrested again after allegedly twerking on a student at prom.

Julie Kinsey Hoover, 38, who used to teach at Point of Grace Christian School in Perry, was arrested on Tuesday and charged with soliciting or engaging in lewd conduct with a student as an authority figure along with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, according to police records obtained by WCTV.

The educator’s newest arrest follows Hoover being arrested and charged back in June with one count of an authority figure soliciting or engaging in sex with a student after allegedly exchanging explicit messages with an 18-year-old senior student.

The newest charges come after a student told investigators Hoover twerked on him and pressured him to drink alcohol at his high school prom on April 8.

Randy Maubach, a school administrator, ‘advised that staff did in fact have alcohol to drink that night that was stored in the back room.’

‘Let the Devil in’
The victim told investigators he became so uncomfortable while Hoover twerked on him that other students tried to squeeze in between the then-teacher and the boy several times to try to get her to stop. At least two students who stepped in corroborated the incident, WCTV reported.

According to the most recent arrest affidavit, Hoover had a phone call after the twerking episode with another student’s mother — as law enforcement listened in — and admitted she ‘Let the Devil in’ at prom.

The affidavit also documented the underage student saying Hoover coerced him to drink at the prom, including forcing the straw from her alcoholic beverage into his mouth.

It was unclear if the student with whom Hoover had allegedly been exchanging explicit messages is the same boy who brought forth the twerking allegations.

The initial sexting incident was brought to the attention of police on June 2 when the student’s mother discovered sexually charged messages (do you suppose…?) between her son and Hoover from a period stretching between March and April.

The concerned mom told investigators that the former math teacher was arranging to have her son come to her home while her husband was at work, according to court documents.

After Hoover’s latest arrest, the Point of Grace Christian School reportedly confirmed that the suspect is a ‘former teacher’ and said the school has cooperated with the law enforcement investigation.

Merriam-Webster defines twerking as ‘sexually suggestive dancing characterized by rapid, repeated hip thrusts and shaking of the buttocks especially while squatting.’ Indeed.

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