Mom Buys Old Teddy Bear From Garage Sale, Her Heart Drops When She Hears It Talk

Amaya, a six-year-old girl, got a new teddy bear from a neighbor’s garage sale. When she got home, the family dog accidentally stepped on the teddy bear, and the bear began to talk! What played was a recording from a soldier!

lost teddy bear
Image Credit: Amanda Fields / Facebook

The soldier had been fighting in Afghanistan when he made the tape, and he was using the bear to wish his family a Merry Christmas! At the end of the message, he said that he would be seeing them soon and that he loves them.

lost teddy bear
Image Credit: Amanda Fields / Facebook

Amaya let her mom, Amanda, hear the message and her heart sank. Amanda’s husband is a Marine, and she could understand the importance of this message. Amanda was determined to get the teddy bear back to its rightful owner! Unfortunately, the neighbors didn’t know where the bear had come from, so Amanda turned to social media.

lost teddy bear
Image Credit: Amanda Fields / Facebook
On Facebook, Amanda wrote asking her followers to help spread the story about the bear. Amanda has even appeared on Good Morning America trying to spread the word around the country! She is a woman on a mission!

Amanda has repeatedly tried to get in touch with the manufacturer of the bear but has had no luck. Ok, now the rest is up to us (and this means you!)! We should all share this story and make sure that the teddy bear gets back to the soldier’s family. It is sad to think that they have lost this loving memento and we need to change that – now!

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