Sure, avocados can enhance your sexual life and much more


One of the most delicious and adaptable foods out there, avocado may be sliced up on toast, made into guacamole, or blended into creamy smoothies. Of course, making fun of our continued fascination with avocado toast is funny, but that doesn’t stop people from ordering (and enjoying) it. If you can get an avocado during the two-hour window when it’s completely ripe, it’s actually the ideal topping for so many recipes. Avocados are straightforward, filling, and delectably smooth. Also, the fact that this fruit is as as nourishing as it is delicious certainly doesn’t hurt (yes, just to be clear, avocado is a fruit).

In order to get critical nutrients like vitamin E, fiber, and potassium, healthy fats like avocados should be a part of every meal, according to Taylor Fazio, RD, CDN, a registered dietitian and wellness consultant at The Lanby in New York City. Avocados have remained so popular for so long because of their pleasant neutral flavor, creamy texture, and unbeatable nutritional value. They taste wonderful while you’re eating them and make you feel good afterward. What exactly makes this fruit so healthy for you, then? Before you scoop your next avocado for toast, guacamole, or a salad topping, read up on the health advantages of avocados.

Avocado Health Benefits

Avocados have numerous health benefits that help your body work and feel better, from your gut and heart to your skin and hair.

Avocados are high in omega-3 fatty acids: Avocados are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of fat that’s been shown to support heart health, Fazio tells POPSUGAR. (Fish, olive oil, and nuts are also good sources of omega-3 fatty acids.) According to the scientific journal Circulation, for example, a large study of people who took omega-3 fatty acid supplement capsules experienced a 15 percent reduction in death, heart attack, and stroke; a 20 percent reduction in death “from any health-related cause”; and a 45 percent reduction in “sudden death from a heart attack.” The journal also notes that omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to “modestly” reduce resting blood pressure and decrease body fat, “both of which can improve heart health.”

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