Mother Has No Idea Why Her Baby Keeps Waking Up In Tears. Her Cries Save The Lives Of This Whole Family

This family’s lives were saved due to their young baby daughter crying late night. The mother, Monique Ruppel explained via Facebook post that her and her husband were sleep in bed, when their infant daughter’s cries woke them up.

Baby Celia usually doesn’t cry so often so this put these parents on alert. Ruppel got out of bed to go check on Celia, but only made it a few feet before she felt like she might pass out.

“I attempted to make my way to her room but only made it a few feet before being completely overwhelmed with vertigo,” she wrote. “Kyle [her husband] immediately woke and we quickly realized something was wrong.”

Although Kyle and Monique were both extremely nauseated, with vertigo and burning eyes, they managed to pack a bag and grab Celia before leaving the house that night.

Kyle had already called his parents, so once they arrived, they dialed 911 and rushed to the nearest hospital, where the whole family was treated for carbon monoxide poisoning.

Later, the trio had to be airlifted to Vancouver, where they “underwent 3, 2.5 hour dives in a Hyperbaric Chamber.”
Through the terrifying ordeal, Kyle and Monique never lost sight of their hero: Celia.

“Please ensure you have a Carbon Monoxide detector and that it works,” Monique wrote. “We are so thankful Celia woke us. We often wished she would sleep through the night but we do not feel that way any more. Our sweet sweet baby saved us all.”

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