People That Find A Rubber Band On Their Front Door Should Stop And Call The Police

Do you have a front door handle that looks like this?

If you do, police are warning you to check it and make sure there are no rubber bands around it.

A woman shared her story on Facebook – so, if you have a rubber band around the knob – call 911!

rubberbands on door scam
Image Credit: Facebook

The woman heard a knock on her front door – the person wasn’t knocking nice, it was as if they were pounding on the door.

She didn’t answer the door.

rubberbands on door scam
Image Credit: Facebook

Thirty minutes after he left, she walked outside, thinking the person had left a brochure, but instead she found a rubber band around the knob.

What happens is as soon as you unlatch the door, the person can bust in!

rubberbands on door scam
Image Credit: LittleBudha

The rubber band can hold the door open once the lock is disengaged!

Use the peephole, don’t answer the door if you are not expecting someone.

rubberbands on door scam
Image Credit: Facebook

Stay safe out there!

Share away, people.

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