After her Grandma dies at 89, funeral guests cover church with her quilts, secret shocks grieving family

Christina Tollman posted an amazing picture displaying a woman’s life’s work at her grandmother’s funeral.
On Facebook she wrote: “Yesterday we laid to rest an amazing and loving woman. My grandma was an avid quilter. This was our tribute to her at her funeral and it was quite breath taking.
All of these were made by her.”Margaret Hubl, Tollman’s late grandmother, died at 89-Years-Old. Hubl was an avid quilter and seemed to always be working on another project. Her closest family never really knew how many quilts she had made because she rarely kept any of them.
Each quilt was a piece of art designed specifically for someone who had touched Hubl’s heart. Countless friends, family, children, and grandchildren had received her cherished quilts over the years as a symbol of her love. “She wanted us to have something to wrap up and keep warm in when we went away to school,” said Tollman.

(image source; Facebook/Christina Tollman)

After Hubl passed, friends and family were asked to bring their quilt to her funeral service. Her family thought it would be a nice way to remember her, but the day of her funeral left them stunned.

“Never did I imagine how many there were,” Tollman said in an interview with TODAY. “We covered almost every single pew in that church. I never knew how many she actually made.”

(image source; Facebook/Christina Tollman)
Hubl never bragged or boasted about her hobby. Instead she quietly quilted with her friends at the United Methodist Church every Monday. She made a quilt for each and every grandchild, which she would give as a gift on their wedding day. The younger unmarried grandchildren never knew about their gifts until Hubl’s funeral where their quilts were unveiled for the first time.“I actually have three cousins that are not married, and the day of her funeral was the day that they got to see their quilts for the first time,” Tollman said. “That was really kind of a neat moment.”Hubl’s life’s work was a hidden secret only revealed after her death. The physical embodiment of her love appeared as a breathtaking mosaic when individual quilts spread across generations came together for the first and only time.“This is the love that Grandma made for each of us,” Tollman said. “This is what she made for each of us to wrap up in when we hurt — when we miss her.”If you liked this story, please like and share and let us know your thoughts in the comment section.

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