With Thailand’s Beaches Free Of Tourists, Numbers Of Rare Sea Turtle Nests Jump To 20-Year High

Many photos and videos which are shared on social media today are showing that the pandemic, which is caused by the coronavirus has only one advantage – Nature is using the peace to recover itself!

Animals are seen roaming freely in their natural habitats, because of the lockdowns governments have issued in order to fight the dangerous coronavirus and flatten the curve.

People are claiming that the skies in the busiest cities are a lot clearer now, waters are much cleaner and pure, and the pollution in the air is reduced drastically.

According to the Phuket Marine Biological Center, the emergency measures in Thailand contributed to the biggest increase in nests of the very rare leatherback sea turtles, on the beaches in the past 20 years.

Each year, about 30 to 40 million international tourists are visiting Thailand. However, this year, the travel restrictions and the lockdown measures stopped the flow of tourists, therefore the beaches in Thailand are empty.

That is, obviously, perfect for nature and its untamed life. Preservationists detailed that specialists have discovered 11 turtle nests since last November, which is the most elevated number over the most recent 20 years.

They haven’t seen a solitary turtle nest in the previous five years. As indicated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), these turtles are imperiled by different factors also, including contamination, environmental change, extreme climate, and angling gear.

The director of the Phuket Marine Biological Center, Kongkiat Kittiwatanawong explained:

This is a generally excellent sign for us in light of the fact that numerous regions for bringing forth have been demolished by people. On the off chance that we contrast with the prior year, we didn’t have this many produce, since turtles have a high danger of getting murdered by angling apparatus and people upsetting the sea shore.

A supervisor at the Mai Khao Marine Turtle Foundation, Kanowkan Homcha-ai, added:

This may impactsly affect the earth in marine preservation in the long haul too. Sea turtles, however other marine species, for example, dolphins and dugong that live in the district have likewise expanded in numbers as per government studies, for example, recluse crabs and other nourishment hotspots for marine creatures.

These turtles are the biggest on the planet, and are named imperiled in Thailand, and as defenseless by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the WWF. They need delicate, sandy sea shores with expansive access from the sea for settling.

Females make the nests with their back flippers and afterward leave around 100 eggs inside. To shield them from predators, these turtles then refill them. They rehash this at regular intervals.

They nest to in intervals going from two to seven years. At the point when the sea shores are loaded with vacationers, the eggs are laid in peaceful and dim territories, which are extremely hard to track down.

Since the worldwide pandemic, this isn’t the main example of overcoming adversity about sea turtles. In particular, in India’s eastern coast, progressively 475,000 jeopardized Olive Ridley sea turtles burrowed settles and laid their eggs this year.

In Brazil, about 100 hawksbill sea turtles have hatched on the beach in Paulista, Pernambucco, Brazil. And the Loggerhead Marinelife Center in Florida has reported recently, that this year they’ve counted already 69 sea turtle nests, and most of the nests belong to the leatherbacks.

All of us need some good news, right?

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