The best vegan cheese available in the UK (From Someone Who Loves Real Cheese)


The time of year is excellent for detoxifying. The lifestyle change is genuine (even if it’s only for 31 days), whether you’re doing Veganuary, Dry January, or trying to keep your New Year’s Resolutions. The challenge lies in sticking to these commitments, not in beginning.

There are a ton of delicious vegan meals you can try, but giving up cheese is one thing that many new plant-based friends find difficult. It is, in my opinion, the worst aspect of eating a vegan diet.

Simply put, I don’t think I could ever stop doing it. How could I ever say no to gorgonzola, baked camembert, or even plain old cheddar? It turns out that I could simply accept vegan cheese in its place. Hence, it was only logical that I did, albeit after some trial and error and numerous taste tests.

I had no idea that vegan mozzarella, vegan ricotta, and vegan brie even existed until I stopped by Planet Organic to get my favorite pricey kombucha.

The vegan gouda caught my eye, and the rest is history. In other words, I’ve had more than my fair share of dairy-free cheese, and I consider myself a bit of an expert on the topic. Read through to discover 10 of the best vegan cheeses in the UK — from someone who really, really loves the actual stuff. You never know, Veganuary could become a more permanent fixture in your life!

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