Shocking: 8-Year-Old Boy with with special needs arrested at school – cop tells him “you’re going to jail”

A shocking video has been revealed that shows cops arresting an eight-year-old boy at his school and informing him that he will be going to jail.

As per reports, the young boy – who is said to have special needs – is alleged to have struck a teacher in the chest.This body-cam footage from December 14, 2018 shows two cops at Gerald Adams Elementary School in Key West, Florida, frisking him and attempting to put him in handcuffs, though his wrists are too small for them.

The Daily Mirror say the video clip was shared by attorney Ben Crump, who is also representing the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery.

In the footage, one of the officers can be heard telling the eight-year-old: “You’re going to jail. So you need to stand up and put your hands behind your back.”

Mr Crump tweeted to say that the incident was “unbelievable”, describing his client as being so small that “the cuffs fell off his wrists”.
He said the arrest was an example of “scared straight tactics” sometimes employed by officers in schools, wherein juveniles are briefly placed in an adult prison to try and scare them away from committing future crimes.

The video shows a teacher comforting the crying boy as he’s taken from the school and led out to a police car. An officer told him:
“You understand this is very serious okay and I hate that you put me in this position and I have to do this.

“The thing about it is that you made a mistake and you have to learn from it and grow from it and not repeat the same mistake again.”

The arrest report states that the boy had become involved in an incident when a teacher told him to sit properly in his chair in the cafeteria. It adds that he warned her not to touch him, before lashing out. What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments box.

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