She Mixed 2 Ingredients And Put Them On Her Teeth, What It Does? I’m Trying This!

Pearly whites. Our teeth are supposed to be white – but we get older, eat foods, and do things (like some of us smoke) that discolor our teeth. You can tell a lot when a person smiles – a person with white teeth just seems more trustworthy and clean – or is that just what I think?! Anyway, if you struggle like millions of other people to have whiter teeth, we have a perfect solution!

You won’t have to go to the store and pay tons of money for those whiteners anymore! You probably have the three ingredients you need in your cupboards right now! If you don’t, you should drop everything and go get them! You will need turmeric, coconut oil, and some peppermint or other pleasant tasting oil.

All you do is mix 2 tablespoons of the coconut oil with 2 tablets of turmeric and a drop or two of the oil. Mix well and BOOM! You have your own toothpaste that will not only brighten your teeth but make them whiter! You will be the envy of the office! Did you know that turmeric has other health benefits?!

Take a look at this video

According to, the active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, and it is a known anti-inflammatory. The damage that oxidation does to the body can be lowered if you eat more turmeric – the curcumin will boost your body’s own antioxidant enzymes! One final fact, curcumin has been linked to improved brain function, and it can lower your risk of some brain diseases!

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