She Cuts an X Into An Onion And Puts It In The Oven For 30 Min. When She Reveals The Result WOW!

If you have ever enjoyed a tasty blooming onion then you will love this healthy take on that good old deep fried favorite loved by so many! The oven baked recipe is easy to make and prepare, all you need is onions, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and salt and pepper (optional). The onion will come out of the oven tender, tasty, full of flavor, and makes a beautiful colorful addition to any food it’s served with!

Below is the onion flower recipe! Start by gathering the ingredients; 4 red onions, 3 Tbsp. olive oil, 2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. If you plan on serving this as a side dish with other food on a plate it is best to use smaller sized red onions and if it’s an appetizer then larger ones will do!

Peel the onion and slice off the the bottom root part so that it can be set down flat without rolling around! Carefully cut down the center, but be sure not to cut all the way through, you want to leave about half an inch uncut so that the pieces stay together..

Then cut it in half again so you have 4 pieces, and finally cut each of those in half so you end up with a total of 8 segments, all joined together at the bottom. Place the onions in a bowl, pour the olive oil and balsamic vinegar over, and toss them until they are well coated.

After, transfer all four onions onto a greased baking dish, spreading them out evenly so they have room to cook. Drizzle the remaining oil and vinegar on and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake at 425° for 25-30 min!

When time is up take them out, remove the foil, and then bake uncovered for an additional 10 minutes. When they come out of the oven the onions should be “blooming” and will have opened up in similar fashion to that of a flower’s petals unfolding.

They will be crisp on the outside and tender, juicy, and flavorful on the inside. Onions get sweeter when baked at high temps and these taste just as good as they look! Actually they taste better! 🙂

Let us know how yours turn out! Bon appetite! Enjoy!

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