Mother Places Small Notes In 7-Year-Old’s Lunchbox. First School Contacts Her, Then Police Comes To Her House

A California mom didn’t realize that putting a small note inside of her 7-year-old’s lunchbox would cause such a stir for her, her child and her child’s school.

Other children noticed what the mom was saying to her boy and they took action and then the school started to get involved. Even though the mother replied with the school’s requests, she was surprised when police showed up at her doorstep.

Christina Zavala came up with a cute idea to put notes inside of her child’s lunchbox for him to discover at lunchtime. Her son, only identified as “C,” got requests from other classmates to share what she was writing to him.

Once it became a popular thing to do, the school got word of what was going on and thats when things took a different turn.
The problem was that Christina was sending daily Bible verses to her son and eventually began packing other verses for her son’s friends – and even included some short stories.

However, once one little girl told her teacher about the “stories,” the notes were quickly banned from lunchtime and the boy was instructed he could only read the verses at the school’s gate – which he did.

As the routine began to gain in popularity, the school staff grew increasingly irate. “On May 9, Principal Melanie Pagliaro reportedly approached C’s father, Jaime Zavala, and demanded he and the boy move completely off school property and onto the public sidewalk,” according to Washington Times. “The family immediately complied.”

However, later that day, the family received a knock on their door from a Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff who requested for the notes to be stopped because “someone might be offended,” but the family finally said “enough is enough.” After employing The Liberty Counsel, a Christian nonprofit litigation group, they are threatening legal action against “Desert Rose Elementary School in Palmdale for ‘an outrageous violation of a first grader’s constitutional rights,’” according to Washington Times.

“I would expect something like this to happen in Communist Romania, where I went to elementary school, but cops don’t bully 7-year-olds who want to talk about Jesus in the Land of the Free,” Horatio Mihet, senior litigation counsel with Liberty Counsel explained. “This is a clear, gross violation of the rights of a child. That the school district enlisted a police officer to intimidate C and his family makes this case even more outrageous.”

The district had until June 1st to reverse their decision and avoid any liability for civil rights violations, but no changes have been made. “I am very concerned about this incident,” Raul Maldonado, superintendent of Palmdale School District in Palmdale, California, explained, according to The Blaze. “I have directed that a speedy investigation be conducted, and I can assure you that all appropriate action will be taken once the facts are known.”

The issue should be resolved considering the fact that what the school did was unconstitutional. This family did nothing wrong as the law only restricts teachers from using their capacity as educators to usher children toward a certain religion. There is no problem with this boy reading the verses in the lunchroom. He’s not forcing the other students to participate.

Sadly, it doesn’t come as a surprise to see how liberal goons have responded to this incident. I’m proud to see this family fighting back against the school’s ridiculous requests.

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