She Spots a Guy Crying As TSA Makes Him Toss His Box In The Garbage. What She Pulls Out Tore My Heart Up!

Whenever you fly you have to pass through airport security first and any belongings that you wish to bring on the plane with you must be screened and checked over.  The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) are the ones who set the rules for what can and cannot be brought on an aircraft and the list seems to always be changing.

Most people know about the liquid container rule, that no bottles with liquids over 3.4 ounces are allowed, but smaller travel sized ones are ok.  There are also obvious things that are absolutely banned, such as guns, brass knuckles, pepper spray, num-chuks and throwing stars (yes, people have tried).  However, there are some things that aren’t allowed which may surprise you. For example, magic 8-balls fall afoul of the 3.4 ounce liquids rule, cast iron skillets can be used as weapons, and certain types of paints are flammable and therefore banned.

While it’s always best to check ahead to make sure you can bring questionable items on the plane with you, that’s not always possible and sometimes the most innocent and unlikely items end up getting confiscated and thrown in the trash.

When Ivelise Hernandez headed to the St. Petersburg-Clearwater International Airport in Florida to catch a flight she headed straight to the security line.  Her boyfriend Rico had driven her and was accompanying her until she passed through when they noticed that a man up ahead was taking longer than usual. He was being held up by TSA security who refused to let him go through with a small package he was clutching.  He was arguing with them and clearly frustrated, but eventually the TSA agents forced him to throw the item in the trash. They wouldn’t even let him bring it to lost and found where he could try to claim it later and have it sent to him.

Watching on, Ivelise and Rico saw that the man was practically in tears as he discarded the package in the trash bin.  Wanting and being able to help since her boyfriend wasn’t going through security, she told him to get the item out of the trash.  A couple hours later she had landed and immediately called Rico who told her that he’d found the item and unwrapped it. What it turned out to be was a beautiful bespoke snow globe that contained a picture of a little girl and her dog on one side and an older couple on the other.  Engraved on the bottom were the words “We love you Katie Nana & Papa 1/25/2016.”

Seeing that the snow globe clearly held sentimental value, Ivelise decided to try and track down the owners.  She uploaded a picture of it to Facebook where it quickly went viral and was shared over 48,000 times. Eventually a woman who worked at a gift shop called “Things Remembered” saw it and sent the picture to the company headquarters in hopes they could locate the order and match it with the owner.  Her idea worked, the company found who placed the order and that was Linda Modry.

Linda had ordered the snow globe for her 5 year old granddaughter Katie and the girl’s dad was supposed to deliver it, but TSA made him throw it out.  Linda happened to live nearby so she got in touch with Ivelise and Rico and made plans to stop by their place. She arrived with a bouquet of flowers in hand and told them that the globe was a present for Katie’s birthday and the date inscribed on the bottom was the date of her adoption.

Once she had the snow globe, Linda called her granddaughter to let her know and the girl was over the moon happy.  As for Ivelise, the positive feedback she received for helping a stranger was unexpected yet wonderful. She’s also pregnant now and will no doubt be a great mother!

Watch the video below for the full story:

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