Man Follows Teen Girl Home From Bus Stop, But Her Army Vet Dad Was Home And Makes Him Pay

Mike Oliver was waiting for his daughter on Monday afternoon in Livonia when things took a turn.

“I get up, I go to the door and there’s a guy standing on my stoop,” he said.

27-year-old David Roberts had apparently followed Oliver’s 15-year-old daughter home after she’d been dropped off.

According to police, the Army veteran and father of 15 immediately sprang into action.

“Grabbed him by his hair. He was like an alligator just twisting, and he got away. He ran around the corner,” Oliver recounted.

While Roberts moved fast, Oliver just jumped into his truck and followed him through the neighborhood. Neighbors showed up and Oliver called 911.

Police arrived at the scene and arrested Roberts within minutes.

“My daughter is doing well in school this year. She didn’t even wanna go to school today because she was fearful for her life,” Cindy Oliver, the girl’s mother, said.

Livonia Police Captain Ronald Taig stated that kids need to be aware of their surroundings.

“He could’ve been laying there on the ground today. This could’ve been so much worse for him. But this isn’t about being right, it’s about doing right,” Oliver added.

Roberts was charged with breaking and entering and assaulting a police officer. His bond was set at $100,000, 10%. His next hearing has been scheduled for September 19.

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