Homeless Man Wants Meal From This Teen Employee, Never Realized He Was Being Monitored

Matthew Resendez makes his parents proud. And everyone who meets the young man can tell that his parents, especially his mother Michelle, raised him right.

Michelle taught him right from wrong and urged him always to go high when others go low. Although he was still a young man, he was on his way up to making a lasting impact on society and contributing to change that was bigger than him.

But Matthew never got much credit for how good of a person he was. Although people recognized it and congratulated him for it, the praise never really went beyond that.

At least it never had before because not enough people knew how wonderful a person honest, hardworking Matthew Resendez was. But the day when a homeless man walked into the local Burger King where Matthew held down a job proved that he was not just a good person but a saint in a fast food uniform.

The shift had been particularly grueling for Matthew. More customers than usual had come in, and he had not slept well the night before. He was exhausted.

But then a man walked into the restaurant. He was obviously homeless, and all of a sudden, his mother’s words were in his head reminding him to be the person she raised him to be. He snapped to attention and smiled at the man as he dropped a handful of dirty coins onto the counter.

Other Burger King workers might have scoffed in the man’s face. He obviously lived on the streets and that fact alone would make many people despise him. They might assume any number of things about the homeless man including that he might be a drug addict, have a mental health problem or any number of things “he did” to wind up on the streets. But Matthew preferred to think of his mother and take a Christian approach to the man’s suffering. Instead of turning him away and judging him for his current circumstances, Matthew opened his heart – and his wallet – to help the man get some hot food in his stomach.

When Matthew got home, he found his mother and told her about the good deed he had done for the homeless man. She wrote about her son’s generosity on Facebook.

“Proud mom moment! Matthew worked this evening, and a homeless gentleman walked in the restaurant with 50 cents and asked if there was anything on the menu he could buy. Matthew asked him what he would order if he could, and the man said anything would help his hunger pains.

“So Matthew run him up for a hearty meal and then used his own debit card to pay for the man’s meal. He handed him the receipt and told him to relax and take a seat. The story could end there, and it would be a happy ending, but apparently, a woman watched my son during his random act of kindness.”

That’s when things took a turn into the realm of ‘instant karma.’

“Not only did she write the company to let them know about the caring employee they had working for them, (but) she also rewarded my son with a very generous tip! So proud to be his mom and I can pat myself on the back knowing that I’ve played a part in raising this big-hearted young man.”

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