Couple Meet Again After 55 Years Apart And Discover That They Still Love Each Other: “Love Does Not Age”

Despite your best efforts, it is possible to meet the right person at the wrong time and have your plans fall through. It can appear at this point that this person is not intended to be with us, but things can turn out much better if we meet up with them again at a more advantageous time. Mary Porto, a 74-year-old Brazilian lady, and Raymond Widmer, a 75-year-old Swiss man, experienced this. After parting up fifty-five years previously, they both had a second opportunity.

When Mary and Raymond were barely 18 and 19 years old, they first met. Following her father’s job shift, Mary relocated from Brazil to Belgium and later finished her education at a Lausanne, Switzerland, art school. The young Mary first encountered Raymond at this location: “A charming young man kept staring at me while I signed up for the institute. Because I was anxious, I didn’t pay him any attention, but later I noticed that he had been following me. So I summoned the guts to ask him to join me for coffee” Mary stated.

Mary, who has always been a lady who goes to to the point, decided to take the first step and kiss him when they started dating: “I dislike squandering time. So I made the decision that we should kiss. If it had to be, it would be; if not, it would come to an end “Mary remembered.

However, their love barely lasted six months since Mary was compelled to return to her native country. The two continued to correspond by letter for an additional six months, but due to their extreme separation, a real relationship was impossible to maintain. So soon after, their interest dwindled, and the two decided to stop communicating in person. Since then, a lot of time has passed: Raymond also went on and wed someone else, Mary married Samuel, with whom she had two children and spent 16 years before divorcing. Mary has been married three times, so when she turned 70, she made the decision that she no longer wished to interact with males in any way. However, it wasn’t until a few years later that she got a letter from Raymond asking for her 55 years after their initial relationship ended and it was in a yellow envelope with a Swiss postage stamp.

“It was incredibly emotional for me to get the letter since I could practically see Raymond there. I was unable to believe it” Mary said. Even though he was still married, Raymond resolved to see Mary after discovering an old gift from her in a drawer. With a lot of perseverance, Raymond was able to locate Mary’s address and send her the letter that forever altered their lives.

The two decided to get married one week after their huge reunion because it was all so amazing and joyful. Mary and Raymond were both taken aback by how they had been able to “mature together” while still getting along.

“We want to live in the now, joyfully, and as a couple. I truly believe what happened to us was a miracle. Love never gets old. Instead, it is the source of everlasting youth “. We wholeheartedly concur and are delighted for them!

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