Woman Loses It After Discovering The Truth About Denny’s All-You-Can-Eat Pancakes

A Chicago woman, Natash West, became unhinged when a Denny’s waitress explained that she was not allowed to share her $4 all-you-can-eat pancake special with her friends.

The Denny’s server explained to Natasha, 27, that the unlimited pancake menu item was only for a single diner, not everyone at the table, The Smoking Gun reports.

According to the restaurant’s online menu, “restrictions may apply” to the all-you-can-eat pancake meal. However, besides the use of “you” in the description, the menu does not seem to explicitly state that only one person can partake in the pancakes.

“We start you off with three fluffy buttermilk pancakes and then deliver them hot, two at a time, until you’ve had your fill,” the menu states.

West responded to the server by cursing and throwing several punches, all of which missed, according to the Oak Lawn Police Department. West and her friends left the restaurant without paying, but not before she repeatedly kicked a door on the way out, The Smoking Gun reports.

According to the Chicago Tribune, a restaurant manager called police and gave a description of the car that West and her friends drove away in, and it was spotted a short time later by a Hometown officer who stopped the car at Southwest Highway and Pulaski Road.

The group was brought back to Denny’s, where West was identified by employees, and one of her friends paid the bill, police reported.
West was arrested and faces charges of assault and damage to property.

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