Why Partners Take to Their Heels

What makes someone you allowed of as‘THE ONE’ suddenly decide to do a runner? Experts bandy the each- too-common miracle.

You eventually meet someone who seems to be the‘ right bone’. Everything seems to be going well. And also, that‘ special person’is gone. Just like that! Either he/ she just vanishes from your life like a ghost, or tells you straight up that he/ she ca n’t do this with you presently. You do n’t understand what has just happed.

Life Trainer Madhulika Appasani quotes Gary Chapman who says in his book The 5 Love Signs, that all humans have commodity called an Emotional Tank and they deeply depend on their loved bones to fill this tank. According to her, it’s the‘ axes’ factor that triggers the mates to run. Giving exemplifications, she says, “ If one mate is giving too important space or too little space, or being too magnanimous or showing no interest at all; If one is too opinioned or has no opinions at all; If someone is a people pleaser or is impertinent of the passions of others. It’s the extreme on both ends that makes a mate take a run!”

Madhulika says “ It’s important for couples to collectively work on themselves and feel secure with themselves. Any fear or precariousness in a person’s lives can reflect in overstating it or witnessing it in the relationship.”
Comfort is an important factor for a woman, along with finances and empathy. “ A woman will love a man who gives her emotional support and respect and not treat her like a machine. Over possessiveness and lack of physical closeness too makes a woman run down from a man,” feels Dr Nisha Khanna, relationship expert. “ On the other hand, men want space, trust, physical closeness and understanding from their womanish mates. Men in India aren’t comfortable emoting, and when women ask lots of questions or check phones, it’s a big turn off,” she says.

According to Priya Dhandapani, life trainer, men always love their mothers; they want their woman to be a alternate mama. “ He loves the woman who cares for him like his mama.” She also feels men are attracted to independent, passionate women. “ Men do n’t like a lazy woman. They always anticipate their girl to be active. They also do n’t like it when their mates are suspicious of them, or tries to control them. They anticipate their girls to give them space with their musketeers,” she says.

Also, a woman expects to see her father in her man,” says Priya. “ Women want care and attention from their mates. They’re attracted to men who support their dreams and solicitations and respects her family too. They do n’t like lazy men without pretensions,” she adds.

First and foremost, a man loves to come home to a happy woman and a woman loves to have a loving man, according to Vaibhav Datar,Mid-life Coach and author of the bestseller Simplify Your Life. “ Secondly, any kind of possessiveness makes either of them run down,” he adds. He feels too important attachment stifles a relationship and people look for ways to move down from this. “ A man looks for physical attractiveness, and a healthy and fit woman simply because he wants a mama for his children. Also, women look for men who are minding and kind and suitable to support them,” he says.

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