Springfield Va. husband arrested fatally stabbing wife to death

Jose Hernandez Mejia Springfield Virginia man arrested stabbing wife to death at family home. No known motive.

A man suspected of killing his wife in Springfield, Virginia, was arrested in South Carolina, Fairfax County police say.

Jose Hernandez Mejia, 49, was arrested Monday morning, police said. He had been wanted in the stabbing death on Sunday and was considered armed and dangerous.

Evelin Molina was the victim, Fairfax County police said in an update Monday afternoon NBC4 reported. The woman’s age was not provided.

Molina and Hernandez Mejia shared four children together, police said. They were not home at the time of the killing, the department said.

The husband upon his arrest was charged with second degree murder in the killing of his wife.

Husband called victim’s uncle to say he killed wife

Officers were called to a home in the 5200 block of Rolling Road at about noon Sunday. They found Molina with stab wounds, and she was pronounced dead.

Investigators said Mejia following the stabbing called a family member, asking them to come to the home WUSA reported.

The relative, identified as the victim’s uncle, told authorities that her husband killed her, according to a dispatch call. Responding police found a bloody knife in the home.

‘He asked his family member to come to the scene, and explained to his family member that he had just stabbed his wife,’ Fairfax County Police Lt. Dan Spital said according to a press corps meeting. ‘We were under the impression that he was going to turn himself in. However, that has not happened.’

Police believed that Hernandez Mejia was going to turn himself in but he did not, Lt. Dan Spital told press.

The department said they had received ‘minimal’ calls for service to the family’s home in the past, and none for any domestic incidents.

It remained unclear what led to the husband fatally stabbing the wife.

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