Private in home tutor, 39, accused of raping 13yr old student

Kristin M. Bellinger Johnstown special education teacher accused of raping 13 year old student she was private home tutoring.

A N.Y woman accused of sexually assaulting a 13 year old boy she was home tutoring  surrendered to police earlier this week.

Kristin M. Bellinger of Johnstown was charged with rape for allegedly having sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old boy in 2019 according to the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office.

Investigators said Bellinger was providing private in-home tutoring to the teenager outside of her role as a special education teacher with the Hamilton Fulton Montgomery BOCES District.

The district said they contacted police after the victim came forward, adding that Bellinger was immediately placed on leave and is no longer employed by HFM BOCES the Daily Gazette reported.

Not immediately clear is how long the alleged abuse against the boy took place and why the victim only now came forward.

Bellinger was on Monday charged with one count of second-degree rape and released on $15,000 bail. The female educator is scheduled to reappear in Glen Town Court at a later date.

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