One week after birth, Mother compared an ultrasound image and combined the truth she missed

Our children are our greatest source of inspiration and happiness, nothing can make us happier and create this warm feeling when we see them smile. But they also have the power to change the feeling in seconds to anger, sadness, and worry.

No day is the same when you have children but that is the beauty of them.

When fresh mother Sarah Keller noticed a coincidence about her son’s sleeping position, she knew she had to share this discovery. She had no idea that so many people would be fascinated by her findings.

That’s what she wrote when she shared the picture on social networks:

“The first ultrasound we did was in the 18th week, and we saw the whole bone structure, it looked like a skeleton, so when I saw the sweet baby face taken almost in the 39th week I thought it was very cute, but honestly, i was just glad he didnt have horns”.

“It’s pretty rare to have such a clear picture at such a late stage of pregnancy, but the woman who did the ultrasound knew how to get along well in the womb”, she said.

I didn’t connect the ultrasound when I saw him sleeping with his hands up. I saw the ultrasound picture hanging on my mother-in-law’s refrigerator when he was a few weeks old and this was the first time that it hit me”.

“He’s still doing it! he’s the king of calm.

I made a comparison of the pictures side by side and was amazed at how similar they were in every detail. I decided to post it on the social network because I thought it was interesting content that others might enjoy as well.

And, it’s nice to communicate with the outside world after many days of nursing a baby indoors. Sometimes it feels that nothing else exists except for me, my baby, my tits, and the couch!”

“My son’s birth changed my life, I just look at him and start crying sometimes because I love him so much. He’s a calm little guy. Feed him, change him, curl up with him, and he’ll be happy.

My mother says my husband, Ross and I do not know how lucky we are to have him”, Sarah said.

“He had hemolytic anemia and hepatitis in the first month of his life, which is why he rested on that blue light, and a doctor visited him every day or two to keep an eye on his blood and a 48-hour visit to a children’s hospital, but he faced it like a hero.

Every time he smiles at me I melt”.

Ever since the hands of Sarah’s son have evolved, he has slept the same way. It’s amazing that she has proof that her son’s sleeping habits started in the womb. What a little sweetie.

You can see from the pictures of the mother, that her little child will be the calm king.

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