Narok Family in Agony as 5-Month-Old Daughter is Diagnosed With Liver Cirrhosis: “Time is Running Out”

Five-month-old Amber May Oburu was recently diagnosed with liver cirrhosis and iurgently needsa liver transplant to save her life. Amber is meant to undergo a liver transplant at Fortis Hospital in India.

Family needs KSh 5m

In a video shared by Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, the family indicated that they require approximately KSh 5 million for the surgery which will be done at Fortis Hospital in India.

Her mother Winnie Opondo says that every extra day that goes without treatment, the baby’s condition continues to deteriorate. “We were told that she has liver cirrhosis stage 4 which, according to the doctor, is irreversible,” she explained. During the liver transplant, the father will be the donor while the mother will play the role of caregiver to both.

Father will be donor

Winnie says that the news has been heavy on them, especially given that they have no idea how a baby that young was diagnosed with such a condition. “We spoke to the hospital in India and they told us to deposit at least 80% of the amount, which we can’t afford,” she continued. The family is requesting well-wishers to help them raise the money so that the baby is treated before time runs out.

Those willing to support can do so through M-Changa; business number 891300, account number 59594. “Time is not on our side. Every day I wake up and look at her I tell myself that I don’t have a lot of time to see the baby,” she said emotionally. Amber’s eyes turned too yellow In an earlier interview, Winnie told Hillary Lisimba that Amber was a normal baby until she turned three months and her eyes took on an unusual color. “She was admitted the day I was changing her diapers and noticed blood. The doctors told us that the blood meant there could be internal bleeding,” she said.

Since the admission, the little one has been managing on medical drugs, but her insurance cover has since been depleted, which leaves them with members of the public as the only hope for contributions.

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