Infant Suddenly Looks Up At The Ceiling and Begins To Hysterically Cry! Dad Runs To Grab His Baby!

If you have ever been in and experienced an earthquake firsthand then you know it’s something you will never forget.  The feeling of the Earth moving beneath your feet is scary and completely unsettling. At first it takes a moment to register what is actually happening and then you have to act quickly in order to get to safety.

That’s not always easy. Depending on the strength of the earthquake, it can easily throw off your balance and make walking incredibly difficult. The raw absolute power of a quake is simply indescribable and terrifying.  Even babies, who have no idea what’s going on when they happen, know that they are something to cry about.

Last year at 8:30 in the morning a major earthquake struck Anchorage, Alaska.  It measured a 7.1 on the Richter scale, making it the strongest quake in recent memory for the area.  One family caught up in the chaos managed to capture the moment it struck on their home video surveillance and its incredibly eye opening as to the power of mother nature.

According to Tony, the man seen in the clip and father of three young children, he was in the kitchen feeding his infant son when he first heard the low, faint rumbling that comes right before an earthquake.

Sensing the imminent danger, the baby started to cry and that’s when he jumped up, grabbed the child, and headed straight for the front door. Outside they would be safe from things like falling furniture, shattered glass, or even the house collapsing.  Not seeing his other children outside, Tony ran back in and found them trying to get out, so he helped them escape along with his wife.

Inside the house furniture and the family’s belongings were rattling and shaking furiously, drawers were opening and closing, pictures fell off the wall, and lamps toppled over.  As the quake grew in intensity the lights even began to flicker on and off.

Outside in the front yard the young family huddled together in the dark, it was freezing and had been snowing.  In their haste to get out no one had bothered to put on any shoes or warm clothes, so they did their best to keep each other warm. In the background you can see a car alarm going off, it’s lights flashing, set off by the furious shaking.

In the end the house was ok and damages were mainly limited to broken glasses and minor stuff like that.  No one was physically hurt either, but mentally and emotionally the earthquake took its toll. The children don’t like to be left alone in their rooms and any loud noise sets them off; they think it’s another earthquake.

As time passes their fears are slowly starting to fade and for now all Tony and his wife can do is teach them what to do when an earthquake strikes. That way they can stay as safe as possible.

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