Ex-wife kidnaps daughter and vanishes – 12 years later dad gets a call that she is alive

A day Greg Allen will never forget. When his 4-year-old whispered “Never forget me, Dad” before his ex-wife Dara Llorens kidnapped her.

When life throws you challenges and gives you burdens too heavy to carry alone, your faith and God can see you through. Losing a child or having them taken far away from you is impossible painful, but the belief that they will return someday can keep you from losing hope. This is a test for your spirit and your faith, and if you prevail, God will help reunite you. And the sun will shine again.

Estranged after their divorce, Greg had sole custody of their daughter Sabrina and a difficult relationship with his ex. When attempts to frame him failed, the desperate mother plotted to kidnap her own child.

He dropped off his daughter at Dara’s that day in April 2010, but when they didn’t come back as agreed he reached out to the police and set off for Mexico City where he suspected they’d be.

A near miss was the closest he came in that first year when Mexican Police didn’t respond soon enough to a report of a sighting. Then, nothing. For 11 long years.

Then suddenly came news that a woman had been arrested and her daughter brought back to the United States! His daughter. Trained to hate her father, Sabrina was hesitant at first, but eventually reunited with her father.

He is now rebuilding his relationship with his long lost daughter, a day at a time.

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