Deaf Baby Hears Mom Say “I Love You” For The First Time Ever. This Special Moment Has Everyone In Tears

The most smallest things in life that we sometimes take for granted make us remember how grateful we are for the things we are born with. This story will make you appreciate something as simple but power as being able to hear.

Charly’s parents learned that their beautiful baby girl wouldn’t respond to certain sounds and noises. Rightfully concerned, they took Charly to the hospital to be evaluated and have her hearing tested.

It was then that they realized that Charly’s hearing was impaired and she required a hearing aid.

After getting the aid molded to Charly’s ear, it was time to turn it on. They had no idea that their baby girl would have such a strong reaction!
Once they attached the hearing aid to baby Charly’s ear, they turned it on. They weren’t ready for the reaction she would have to the newfound sounds and experience she was having.

According to the Healthy Hearing website, young children with intact hearing pick up on language that envelops them regularly. As adults speak around them, certain words, meanings and pronunciations are picked up.

However, for those kids or babies who lose their hearing, that type of incidental language development is missing and that makes learning their natural language skills much more difficult. This is why it is crucial that parent’s apply hearing aids to their children as soon and as early as possible!
The earlier they are fitted with the hearing aid, the sooner they can participate in typical developmental milestones. That’s why Charly’s parents were determined to help their daughter as a baby.

They knew waiting any longer could be detrimental to her development. They hoped that the hearing aid would be the answer to Charly’s difficulty in hearing. Since she is such a young baby, they weren’t sure how well it work thought.

The moment the hearing aid was in place and turned on, Charly’s face lit up. Hearing her mother’s voice for the very first time was an overwhelming experience and brought her to tears. The expressions fleeting across her face will tug at your heartstrings!

Even though she wasn’t old enough to verbalize her feelings, anyone in the room could tell that she was crying because of the sweet sound of her mother’s voice. It will take time for Charly to learn how to speak, talk and develop her listening skills, but now she’s on the right track!

With tears in her eyes, this sweet baby finally has another connection to her momma. A whole new world just opened up to her! She can finally hear!

Watch this emotional moment for yourself in the video below. It’s hard not to cry along with her! What a miracle modern technology is.

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