A Wife Who Lost Her Husband Was Chased Out From Home By Brother In Law, But She Soon Discovered A Surprising…

It is a painful fact for someone to face the death of his or her beloved ones. However, who would have thought that a tragedy can lead to something more surprising- that one can never think of.

It was a bumpy ride for Lumei who has just lost her husband, but it became harder when her brother-in-law forced her and her child to move out from his house. Without having a clear path to go, she went straight to her husband’s grave and cried. However, things started to change when she found out a surprising secret.

Lumei and her husband tied the knot three years ago. They had a strong bond of relationship and her husband’s death because of heart attack was definitely heartbreaking for her. Days and nights did not pass by easily as Lumei had to deal with sadness every time she thought of him until she couldn’t sleep at night.

One morning, her brother-in-law came up to meet her in her room and without hesitation, he asked Lumei and her child to move out from the house. It shocked Lumei by the fact that it came from her brother-in-law, but he insisted in doing so because the room will be used for other purposes.

Lumei and her husband used to live together in a mansion owned by her husband. It was huge and had plenty of rooms. The house was so huge that the couple thought it would be a great idea for them to rent some of the rooms. It was a brilliant idea because the mansion was located beside a high school. Many students who lived far away from the school rented the rooms.

Lumei and her late husband’s acts of kindness has helped the students a lot. They took care of the student’s welfare including their meals. As the demands of the room increase, the rental price has also increased and because of that, her brother-in-law needed more space and room to be rented.

She was torn between wanting to stay or moving out because she knew she needed a place to stay with her child. She could go to her mother’s house but it was hundreds of kilometres away.

As her brother-in-law wanted Lumei to move out faster, he asked for some help from his friends to pack Lumei’s belongings and throw them out from the house. His parents did not stop them as if they were willing for the incident to happen.

Having no choice other than being strong, Lumei rented a room somewhere and opened up a small fruit stall. It was a small business but Lumei knew she could survive especially when she had her child by her side.

She always paid a visit to her husband’s grave with her child every time she missed him and when things became challenging for her because she knew that was the best place for her to pour her heart out.

One year later, when she was at the grave, came two strangers towards her. “Are you Lumei?”, they asked.

Without saying much, she nodded. The two strangers gave her a card and mentioned that she needed to come to one particular company because she will be offered a job. Having said that, the two strangers left.

That night, her husband came to her dream and told: “Don’t worry, you can go and work there. They are good people. I have saved them before and now they want to repay my kindness.”

Upon waking up from sleep, Lumei recalled her late husband’s habit of writing a diary. She took the diary and read a few pages. She then understood the reason why the two strangers wanted to help her. Lumei’s late husband was a doctor and he was always the first one to lend a hand to unfortunate people.

Long time ago, there was a huge flood and Lumei’s husband has done a good deed by saving a lot of people. He even saved those who were injured from fire explosion. Not only that, he even saved someone who was trapped in a burning car in which the car exploded a few moments later.

Her husband has never told her regarding this matter.

Those people who he has saved before gave him a lot of gifts and money to repay his kindness, however he refused to take them. His only wish was for them to look after his wife and his child when he passed away because he had a congenital heart disease. The two strangers who came to meet Lumei were the ones whom her husband used to save when he was alive. They took his words seriously and wanted to help Lumei.

After understanding the situation, Lumei came to the office.

Many people assisted Lumei and helped her by giving a lot of opportunities to start doing a business. Lumei was indeed lucky, one of them even offered her a place to stay for as long as she wanted to.

As days passed by, Lumei started having a stable life with many good people surrounding her. She kept on reminding herself that every single thing she earned now is a gift from her late husband’s noble acts.

Because of her late husband’s kindness, she felt inspired to help those in need. She joined a charitable organization to continue her husband’s good deeds.

This story is quoted from the internet, but it teaches us valuable lessons for us to ponder upon. Sooner or later, good deeds or good intentions will definitely be rewarded.

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