A family adopted a young kid who was born without hands and legs; today, he already attends school and…

Vanya was born with just one arm and no legs. His parents promptly signed a refusal on his behalf, and he was moved to a children’s home.

Even though this boy was shown on the television program “I Want a Family,” no one was in a rush to adopt him. The residents in the area have already accepted that Vanya will not have a happy ending and will be without parents for the entirety of his life.

But thankfully, things worked out for the best. He was discovered by his American partners Melanie and Jay Brederick.

The mother claims that she and her spouse fell in love with the infant right away. They chose a second adoption because their family already includes a boy who was adopted from Russia. It is important to note that Vanya was eligible for adoption before Dima Yakovlev’s bill.

As soon as the paperwork was prepared, the Bredericks drove Vanya to Asheville, North Carolina.

The youngster has lived in America ever since, and as a result, he has completely changed. He participates in sports and attends school. He was fitted with mechanical prostheses that adapt to his changing size.

The child has already achieved medal success in baseball at a young age.

Ivan will have robotic prostheses instead of mechanical ones when he is older. No one will then be aware of his missing limbs. His adoptive parents take every measure to ensure that their son has all he needs.

Watch the video below!

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