60-Year-Old Teacher Gatecrashes Student’s Hip-Hop Routine And Steals The Show

It’s usually fun for students to take some time off when they are in the classroom to do something besides schoolwork.

For many students, the teachers that they have are a bit older and from generations with different music and dance routines.

Shirley Clements is one woman who is quite a bit older than her students as she’s 63 years old.

However, that didn’t stop her from performing a dance routine with her class one day.

She showed everyone that age is just a number and that even those who are of the age where they can retire can dance with the younger generation.

Shirley enjoys her job as a high school teacher.

She could have retired in 2015, but she just didn’t want to leave her students.

If she would have retired, she could have enjoyed time on her front porch or with some of her friends.

However, she decided to help the students at her school with a fun hip-hop dance routine that was performed in front of other students and teachers.

She started this routine about 20 years ago with some of her other students.

As Shirley took to the stage with her class, she showed that she had moves that those half her age don’t possess.

The group danced to “Uptown Funk” by Bruno Mars.

If you’ve heard the song, then you know that it’s pretty upbeat.

The students start dancing on the stage.

Shirley dresses in the same type of clothes that they are wearing and joins them.

She didn’t miss a beat as she kept up with every move that the students performed.

Shirley also showed her students a thing or two about dancing that amazed the people who saw her.

About half of the way through the performance, Shirley stuns everyone by doing a handstand.

She’s a woman who isn’t letting her golden years get the best of her yet.

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