Italian people discovered a hidden room near the basement of this house…

A secret room has been found in the new home that an Italian family has moved into. On one of the well-known forums, the Italians revealed what they had found.

It turned out that the space wasn’t empty; rather, it contained a wide variety of items. In essence, there was rubbish all over the place. There were, however, several unique examples as well.

The post’s creator claimed that his parents had purchased the residence. Prior to the start of the repairs, nobody was aware of the hidden room’s existence. The user added additional images to the post and started asking questions about the contents of the room as soon as they appeared in the comments.

It was discovered that the chamber, which measures approximately 18.5 square meters, contained a number of pretty priceless items. According to the user, the family discovered ten costly vintage wine bottles from the 1960s and 1970s there.

A priceless book that was produced in 1706 and was written about “miracles of New Spain” was also discovered in the room. It provides information on the native flora and fauna of the Spanish possessions in Central America. The discovery was generally highly intriguing.

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