Poor cat spent 40 hours in a drain… Here is what happened next…

Heroes from Indiana rushed to the scene after they received a call about a mother cat who had given birth in a storm channel.

We immediately noticed the water streaming and could hear her moans echoing through the lines, according to McNeal. Furthermore, if we could locate a small person, they could follow her inside.

A worker named Ashley rolled over to assist.

Ashley found the cat, who had been in the line for almost two full days, after about 30 minutes. In any case, she had to hold the little cat as she snuck backward out of the channel.

The situation called for an additional 45 meters, according to Mety. When we were able to reach her, we helped her to her feet and guided her through the rest of the departure strategy.

They warmed the cat up and gave her water and food through a syringe before bringing the cat, who is now named Piper, to her mother and relatives.

Mom and the kids are currently all living in a nice home where they will be well-liked.

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