Man Caught His Young Wife In Bed With His Son, Now She’s Pregnant

The Husband Wrote – One day, I came home early and discovered my wife in bed with my 24-year-old son and now she’s going to have his baby.

I have my own electrical repairs business and this particular afternoon I found my last customer was out so I decided to call it a day and go home. No one seemed to be in there at first, so I went upstairs to shower and change. Then I found my wife and son (from my first marriage) “DOING IT” in our marital bed. Devastated hardly covers how I felt.

I am 46 and this is my third marriage. My son’s mother left me and my son when he was just seven so I have raised him. I remarried when he was ten but that marriage ended bitterly two years ago.

I met a this beautiful 26 year-old woman from who I thought loved me. We got married last year. She and my son seemed to get on well, lots of joking around, but I had no idea how well.

Now my new wife says she is pregnant and wants to keep the baby. There is no chance it could be mine as i haven’t touched her for months.

My son and my wife are looking for a place of their own where they plan to raise the child as a couple. While she has made it clear there is no way back for us, to be honest I would not even want her back after the way she has betrayed me.

I don’t know if I can ever forgive my son for what he has done to me. I still love him but I just don’t know how I can face him again, let alone forgive him for this.

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