His Son Was Murdered In Cold Blood For No Reason, Once The Killer Pleads “Insanity,” Dad Explodes

Once this father saw his son’s killer in court, he couldn’t hold his anger. During the hearing of the murder trial of Lukace Kendle after he shot and killed Kijuan Byrd, Byrd’s father, Donald, wasn’t able to handle the disrespect Kendle was displaying.

After killing Kijuan in cold blood for no reason, Kendle has the nerve to plead insanity at the Miami-Dade County Criminal Court, and that is just too much for Donald to handle.

The video was recorded on April 4, 2014. And you will see Kendle on the stand as Donald suddenly explodes in anger from the courtroom seats.

While he sits down, he yells at the man who murdered his son in cold blood. He spews his hate at the man for taking the cowardly way out by pleading insanity when Donald just did not think that was the case. And he makes sure to get the last word because he cannot stand the thought of watching his son’s killer walk free.

But Donald’s outburst in the courtroom is not allowed, no matter how justified it might be. The bailiff has no choice but to escort the victim’s father out so he can calm down and quit making the disturbance.

The footage is intense and emotional. Many people have watched it, and tens of thousands of viewers left comments on YouTube in response to what they saw. Here are some reactions from people like you.

“Why do I feel pain in my heart when I saw this video. It hurts me.”
“This breaks my heart. I hope and pray for this family’s peace.”
“This is genuinely heartbreaking. I hope the son rests well.”
“If I had a son I would be mad and angry too. This video is heartbreaking.”
“This father has every right to be mad and upset. That guy killed his son.”
Some people believe that the law in Florida is not strong enough to handle such situations. They believe Florida needs to take a harder look at how they react to such crimes on the streets.
“They should let that father do what he wants to that cockroach. That would be justice.”
“Just strap him into a chair and put him and the father in a dark room with a toolbox. No prison needed,” one viewer wrote.
“Sometimes the law is useless.”

Other viewers challenged the murderer’s plea, claiming that it belittles people who truly do struggle with mental illness.
“Being mentally ill means, you struggle with day to day tasks and comprehension. It doesn’t make you prone to committing crimes. Arrest him!”

One viewer could tell the bailiff did not enjoy removing the father.
“You can tell the cops felt bad for having to hold him back. I feel so much pain for that father.”
A video like this is sure to elicit an emotional response. Watching the father of the victim react the way he did makes viewers also say similar things out of anger.

The law is in place for a reason, and although it may seem unfair, we need to place our trust in the process.
What feelings does this video bring up for you?

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