Boy Got Home With An Invitation To a Birthday. But When His Mom Reads It She Can’t Hold Back The Tears!

As a parent, when you have a child, no matter what the circumstance you always want the best for them. Whether it’s eating the most nutritious foods, getting the best education, have some great friends and being able to smoothly transition from childhood to adulthood without too many hard bumps on the road.

Most children go through ups and downs as they are growing up but many are blessed to have amazing friends and family to support them when needed. With this being said, sometimes children are born on the spectrum, have poor social skills and really can’t communicate or interact with kids their age or adults.

Today’s tear jerking story story is about a 34-year old mom Tricia who has 3 children in lives in Brantford, Ontario. In this story we are going to focus in on one of her beautiful sons Timmy. Tricia began to notice little things here and there even when the boy was really young. Following his big first birthday bash, his mom noticed that Timmy preferred to play on his own instead of with his siblings and friends.

At first she thought it was strange but it really didn’t dawn on her right away that Timmy was going to have social problems in the future.. As time went on things began to get worse and worse. First, Timmy began refusing to eat his food, then he refused to wear his clothes and would freak out if they were put on!

Tricia knew something had to be very wrong, so here motherly instincts kicked in and she brought him immediately to a doctor to get examined and tested. After a little more than 6 months, tons of tests, exams exc.. Timmy was diagnosed as Autistic.

Mom was obviously very concerned and devastated by the diagnosis because she knew that her boy was now going to have so many other difficulties in a world that is already hard enough for people without Autism.

As months progressed after his diagnosis, Timmy began ripping off his diaper, going to bathroom almost everywhere in the house. On top of all this, Timmy would through unbearably loud tantrums and he truly seemed to be suffering even at such a young age.

One day, Timmy wandered out of the house and the cops were called because her son was missing. Tricia really had no clue what to do or how to handle this. Luckily her doctor sent them to a behavior specialist who deals with Autistic children everyday.

Soon after his behavior specialist therapy began he started to show signs that things were getting better. Although it wasn’t perfect by any means, mom saw a distinct change in his outlook and behavior as the therapy sessions continued.

Timmy also experienced major stress and anxiety whenever he was in a large group of people and loud noises totally freaked him out because he was so sensitive to sound. If his senses became overloaded with too much going on his environment, he would quickly melt down, cry, freak out and just seemed completely helpless and there was nothing anyone could do to help.

When Timmy was ready to go to school, another huge hurdle would be there to face him. Because he was autistic, he had a really tough time concentrating, learning and socializing. It was almost impossible to get him on the bus or to school without a whole slew of meltdowns even before he got to school and class.

He was having difficulty making friends and socializing with them. When birthdays began to start happening with the kids his age, mama was really nervous because she knew how loud and scary the sounds would be to his senses.

He would come home from school a lot with birthday invitations, but because Tricia felt he would have a complete and total melt down she always declined. Because Timmy wasn’t socializing well with the kids at school and was skipping everyones birthday, he began to feel more and more alone while also be ostracized.

One afternoon, Timmy brought home another birthday invitation as he always did, but this one looked different to mom so she decide to open it and see what was inside. The invitation came complete with a letter from the birthday boys mom. She expressed how her son really became fond of Timmy and he really wanted him to come to his birthday. It also read, we have a bouncy castle, water balloons and lots of other stuff.

The birthday boys mom even said he could show up early before things got too loud or out of hand. Mom was pretty much stunned and had no idea that her son actually had a friend….

Watch the video below for the full story:

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