Bus Driver Writes Note To Parents After What Kids Did To Boy On Bus. Now It’s Going Viral.

In Princeton, New Jersey, a bus driver wrote a note to the parents of a set of siblings on her bus.

She felt compelled to write the note after what she caught the two kids doing on the bus and felt that she could no longer keep silent. Now, it has unexpectedly gone viral.

Some children are good to other kids, but some are just cruel to those who are somewhat different from them without even meaning it.

Jokes can be hurtful and some kids are not aware of this. Their tactless mouths and straightforward observations can be used to say hurtful things and take down other children emotionally.

Many people believe that how kids react and treat others can often depend on the style of parenting that they are getting from home. Children have brains that are like sponges. Whatever they see from their adults, they can easily follow it, not knowing whether it’s right or wrong.

When a bus driver named Cindy Clausen saw how two students were treating a kid, she knew that she had to do something that she doesn’t usually do before.

Cindy Clausen

Instead of making fun of a boy with a disability, these children – a brother and a sister, made friends with him and made him feel like he belonged with them. They asked him to sit with them, offered to help him on and off the bus, and they encouraged him to talk about how his day went. For Cindy, it was clear that the parents of these kids are showing them the right way of treating each other at home.

Cindy believes that these children have to be praised for their actions. Annaliese and Jorge are a very good model to other kids in her bus and this should not be left unnoticed. Cindy wrote a letter and sent it home with them but before handing them the letter, she shared it first with Love What Matters Facebook page and it didn’t take long for her post to go viral.


Cindy started her letter by telling the parents how beautiful Annaliese and Jorge are. She believes this can only come from home. She said that the parents’ patience and guidance and by setting as a good example to their children, these children are following everything that is being taught at home. She also wrote:

“I have a child on my bus named Jackson. Both of your children have shown him so much compassion and support. Every day your children ask if they can sit with Jackson. “

These kids have shown compassion and support for a boy on the bus named Jackson. He has some difficulties walking and it takes a while for him to get to his seat. She also shared that during that day, Annaliese looked at the boy and said, “Come on Jackson, you can do it.” There are days when Jackson is a little sad while getting on the bus but as soon as he sees his friends Annaliese and Jorge, he smiles!

She ended her letter saying:
“I know you know how wonderful your children are, but I wanted you to know that it shows!”

Annaliese and Jorge’s parents were overjoyed to hear that their children were being nice to others. They are also glad that the lessons that they taught were applied especially during this kind of life situations. As parents, they couldn’t have been more proud of their children. Annaliese and Jorge give us hope that regardless of how busy parents are with their lives, children are still being raised with good manners. This family should be a good example to other families from all over the world. Hopefully, there are still other children who would act nicely to someone who is a little bit different from them.

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