Woman Gives Birth To A 13-Pound Baby Nicknamed ‘Hercules’

She was expecting a baby, but not one this big.

While Nicolina Newcombe realized that the baby she was expecting was a little large and kicked hard, as her measurements were not out of the ordinary, neither she nor her doctors thought anything of it.

Then, the baby came.

Named Tobias, at birth the baby weighed an incredible 13 pounds and 7 ounces.

To put this number in perspective, a typical baby weighs 7 to 8 pounds at birth and does not weigh Tobias’s weight until he or she is 6 months old.

Tobias is so big that no newborn baby clothes fit him.

What made Tobias’s weight even more surprising is that Nicolina measures a little under 5′ 9″. This makes his weight way off the chart for a woman Nicolina’s height.

Making this story even more incredible is that Nicolina not only gave birth to Tobias naturally but also without an epidural.

This happened when doctors induced birth when she was 42-weeks pregnant.

You may be thinking that Tobias’s birth was not easy for Nicolina, and you would be right.

During his birth, his shoulder got stuck in his mother’s pelvis. Once the midwife realized this, she called in a bunch of doctors, who had to help the midwife yank Tobias out.

Nicolina says that she is glad that the doctors did not realize how big Tobias was going to be, because she thinks that they may not have let her give birth naturally if they did.

She also remarked that many people thought she was going to have twins and said that Tobias really is the size of two normal-sized babies.

The new mother also noted how that when Tobias was born, all the staff could talk about was how big he was.

They even nicknamed him “Hercules.” But this was not Nicolina’s biggest concern. She was far more concerned that he was healthy.

Though one thing about Tobias’s size did make Nicolina happy. She felt his size at least justified the soreness she felt during her pregnancy.

She says that she complained a lot during her pregnancy and now knows that it was not for nothing.

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