There Are Strange Web-Like Fibers Falling Down From The Sky In Arizona and Texas!

Strange things are raining down from the sky above parts of Arizona and Texas. People are reporting that a mysterious, white, fiber-like substance is falling down to Earth. The material has appeared even when the skies are clear blue, and no one is certain what exactly it may be.

Naturally, the sudden appearance of the spider-like webbing has led to much speculation. The theories that have popped up about what it could be range from alien-centered to government or military activity.

One main explanation that naturally comes to mind is that the fibers come from spiders. There are certain species of arachnids that produce webbing similar in appearance to the substance, but none of them are native to either Arizona or Texas. Plus, the sheer amount of the stuff is too large and when coupled with a lack of spiders present, it quickly lays to rest that theory.

A more plausible explanation is that the substance is fall out from something being sprayed into the atmosphere by military aircraft. Some people claim it has to do with chemtrails and cloud seeding. Cloud seeding is when certain substances are spread into the air in an attempt to change the weather and induce precipitation.

Independent tests carried out on the fibers by concerned activists led to the discovery of them containing the presence of aluminum, barium, and strontium. All three of those substances are commonly used in man-made weather modification procedures. How they came to end up in a fiber-like form has yet to be fully explained.

What initially led the activists to carry out their own tests was another explanation given for the fibers was, to them, clearly a lie. They had contacted a local Arizona CBS news station, KPHO channel 5, to do an investigative story on the strange phenomenon.

The station sent a reporter, took samples, and sent them to the Grand Canyon University Forensic Science Lab for testing. The fibers were reported to be some type of biodegradable gauze meant for cattle at nearby farms and that it likely dropped from a military aircraft by accident. To the concerned activists that explanation did not add up or make sense and so they did their own tests, as mentioned above.

Watch the accompanying video to see what the fibers really look like. It’s undoubtedly a strange sight and if it was happening where you lived you’d be concerned too. Furthermore, according to the man who posted it on YouTube, all the spiders he has been keeping track of are dying.

Other insects in the area are also dying as well. They seem to get tangled and wrapped up in the strange substance and die soon afterwards. While it’s not clear why or how he is keeping track of spiders, the fact that other insects are dying after coming into direct contact with this stuff is cause for concern.

What do you think it could be?

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