Man Screws Plastic Bottles Into Cardboard And Hangs Them Up – This Idea Works Wonders

The summer heat is unbearable for the people living in Bangladesh and other underdeveloped countries. Their homes do not have central air conditioning, and the temperatures outside can reach over 115 degrees Fahrenheit! Grey Dhaka has developed a solution that reuses plastic bottles and a piece of cardboard! It is an ‘eco-cooler’ that compresses the air – just like your mouth does when you purse your lips!

The Eco-Coolers can cool a home by more than 10 degrees Fahrenheit! In partnership with Grameen Intel Social Business, Dhaka hopes that his invention will help bring some relief to the people in Bangladesh! Many of the families that have installed the Eco-Cooler have already reported that they are sleeping and living better.

Take a look at this video

The materials needed to make an Eco-Cooler are readily available, and it doesn’t require any electricity to work – sounds like a win-win! Share away, people!

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