Man Leaves His Wife Who Is Pregnant and In Deep Debt Then She Finds The Most Unexpected Surprise In The Oven!

After finding the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, Amanda settled down with her husband and they planned on starting a big family together.  The setbacks came quickly however, and after two miscarriages she gave up hope on ever having a child of her own. The couple, who lived in Sydney, Australia, turned their attention to the house they had just bought instead.  They wanted to turn it into their dream house and the project took their minds off the tragic losses they’d suffered.

After three long years spent struggling to conceive, Amanda and her husband finally learned some good news, they were pregnant!  At around the same time she learned she was expecting, the renovations on their house were also completed and things were finally looking up.  The momentary bliss didn’t last long and Amanda was blindsided one day when her husband told her he was leaving her for another woman. She was seven months pregnant at the time, was out of work because her and her husband had decided she’d stay at home with the baby when it was born, and she had no way to pay the bills and mortgage on her newly redone house.

As if being cheated on and abandoned by her husband wasn’t devastating and stressful enough, now she had a baby on the way and no means to even buy things she’d need to care for her newborn.  In an instant her seemingly perfect life had been shattered into a million little pieces. A friend of Amanda who knew what she was going through desperately wanted to help her out. She decided to reach out to the local radio station, KIIS 1065 to try and get her a spot on their “Giveback” segment.

When the producers heard about Amanda’s predicament, they decided to help her out and invited her onto the show to tell her story.  Through tears she told it all, leaving nothing out, and when she was done, they directed her attention to a TV screen in the studio.  They had sent a cameraman to her house and he was walking around filming.

The first thing he trained the camera on was a vacuum cleaner, it stood for 6 months of free cleaning.  He then moved on to her refrigerator and when he opened the door there was a gift certificate for daily meals that would be delivered over the next three months so she wouldn’t have to worry about cooking.  Next, he panned to her counter where $4,000 worth of items sat that she hadn’t yet bought for her baby, plus a $1,000 certificate to have her newborn’s pictures taken. Finally, the man opened her oven up and inside was $10,000 to help her pay the bills and mortgage until she found a job.

Amanda had been crying tears of sadness after telling her story, but now she was crying tears of happiness.  She felt overwhelmed with gratitude and was incredibly thankful for her friend who had reached out, the radio station for putting everything together, and all the businesses who had donated to help her get back on her feet.  Now she could focus on herself, her baby, and their future.

Watch the video below for the full story:

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