Boy Can’t Stop Throwing Up, Dies Days After Common Activity Every Kid Enjoys

A Texas family is devastated after their 4-year-old son unexpectedly died. Unfortunately, a brief investigation would reveal the real reason he passed away – and now, his parents have issued a warning about a very common activity that almost every child enjoys.

Francisco Delgado Jr. took his family to the Texas City Dike near Galveston to celebrate Memorial Day, where his son Frankie had a fun day of swimming. When the day was over, they packed up and went back home without issue – but just a short time later things took a turn for the worse.

Just a few days after the trip, Frankie began to have symptoms that resembled a stomach bug, including vomiting and diarrhea. Thinking it was nothing more than a stomach bug, Francisco decided to wait it out for things to take care of themselves, but Frankie’s symptoms persisted. Then, the unimaginable happened.

About a week later, the boy’s father called 911 after Frankie stopped breathing. “Out of nowhere, he just woke up. He said ahhh,” Francisco recalled, according to KTRK. “He took his last breath, and I didn’t know what to do no more.”

Then, just like that, the boy had passed away with his parents completely unaware of what had happened, but soon, they would have troubling answers. Doctors took a look at the boy’s corpse and discovered that he had quite a large amount of water in his lungs.

Come to find out, Frankie had died on account of a condition known as “dry drowning.” In short, children who accidentally inhale water, most frequently seen after swimming, are unable to get the water out of their lungs and end up dying hours or even days later as the fluid inside their bodies slowly suffocates them.

Medical experts say dry drowning occurs after a person inhales water, and it can occur hours or even days after swimming or bathing.
Medical experts say symptoms include trouble breathing, persistent coughing, sleepiness and fatigue, and vomiting.

The family is heartbroken over the ordeal, and a GoFundMe page has been launched to help the family deal with the unexpected costs of a burial. However, they’re hoping that, by coming forward, they can raise awareness for a condition they were completely unaware of so other parents don’t have to experience what they did.

In all, Francisco just hopes that his family’s misery will serve as a warning for others. “Don’t take it for granted,” he said. “If somebody’s throwing up, he has diarrhea, take him to the doctor. Tell them to find out what’s wrong with him.”

Looking back these parents wish they had taken him to the doctors when they still had the chance. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. If you notice any of these symptoms after you child has been swimming, take the to the Doctor or hospital immediately. Share this with your family and friends. It could save a life.

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